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Oriental Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) has introduced Open Schooling System for those students who are unable to attend regular classes including drop out students and students residing in remote and distant places. The Council is committed to propagate and popularize Hindi & Sanskrit education to the students under Open Schooling Education System.

Meritorious students who had to discontinue with their studies due to financial and other constraints will get the opportunity to continue with their studies under the Open Schooling System. Thereby giving the facility to the students 'Education for All'.

The students studying under the Open Schooling System will be provided Self Instructional Study Materials prepared by eminent scholars and experts on the subjects which can easily be studied and understood by the students without attending regular classes. But it is mandatory for each student to attend Personal Contact Programme (PCP).

Under the Open Schooling System All Oriental Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) will provide education to the students of 8th standard, Secondary and Senior Secondary level courses. On completion of the courses from Open Schooling System run by Oriental Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) the students will be eligible to continue with their further studies in job oriented Government Vocational/Technical/Professional and Higher Studies to all irrespective of age/sex/caste/creed/religion or any sort of social, religious or economic discrimination.